Thursday, November 1, 2007

what a week

i havent blogged in a few days, but that's alright. I've been busy, because marks close tomorrow and i have been trying to get everything in to my teachers before then. I think that i have done a pretty good job, and i should be getting good grades for first quarter.

I worked again today, and imust say that i really sort of like my job. It can get busy and a bit stressful at times, but for the most part i really like it. Today i ordered food after i got out of worl for my mom and my sister, and dave, one of the managers, gave it to me for free. He's great guy, he really is. He is funny and always manages to be in a good mood at work, which is what businesses want in today's workplace.

I have taken up speedskating as a hobby, and am looking forward to saturday night's session. We havent skated in a while, and i need to train for the tournament on november 17th in Boston. Im pretty excited to compete and see how i match up against other skaters in my age bracket, because i think i will do well, but maybe i really suck and just dont know it.

Im going to rest now, and maybe finish up a chemistry lab.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Burger King Song

Good Lord, help us.

Reincarnation at BK

Ahh, yet another insightful day at the good ol' Burger King. I leraned by observing how to do two things today. 1: I learned how to make a whopper and a whopper jr.
2: I learned how to use the cash register

Both of which a deaf, dumb, and Blind donkey could've figured out on it's own. My co-worker Jason was thinking that if Hinduism is the one true religion out there, we've all been eating cows this whole time. My how we have sinned. What will be reincarnated as?

I was thinkking I would be something lowly like an ant, because i eat a lot of cows. Whoppers are good things. Some say a whopper is good for the heart, i think they mean figuratively. Because literally, a whopper is probably the WORST thing you could do to your heart, clogging up arteries and all. I think that they should say that it is good for the soul, because then there are no mix-ups.

Im not in a very writing-type of mood tonight, that's why i still havent written my paper for U.S History yet. I'll do it in study hall.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

At Your Funeral

Saves the Day-At Your Funeral

I think my funeral is coming soon...

I hate being sick.

still sick...

I have confirmed that four days of The Price Is Right and The History Channel isnt good for anyone. The doctors think that i have mononucleosis, which basically means that i will have a sore throat for several weeks and i will sleep alot. They told me that i can go in tomorrow and they will draw blood to find out, and they also told me to enjoy the ice-cream and movies for two weeks. Damn the doctors.

I have a pretty decent amount of work that i missed from being out of school, and it will continue to add up. My teachers were nice enough to send some of it home for me, which should help a little. HOwever, naturally i dont feel like doing it. The only things i have done so far is a worksheet for intro-to-business and a paper for journalism. I have to hand in some US History stuff, some of which was already done because it was supposed to be due back on monday anyway. I actually miss school.

Now im going to the library to find movies to watch. I prefer the library rather than the video store because the library is free. I used to like Video Vendor, because i could rent movies for one dollar. They went out of business a couple months ago though, so now i have to get movies at The movie gallery. The Movie Gallery is a total rip-off. Its like, five bucks to rent a movie. Their argument was that i get the movie for five days as opposed to the three days i got it for at video vendor. Im only going to watch the movie once. Most likely the night i get it.

I dislike being sick, but i must admit that the significant amounts of ice-cream help lift the spirits.

Monday, October 22, 2007

simply sickening

im sick. My throat will be the death of me. It hurts to swallow, so i have a trash can next to the couch that i can just spit my extra saliva into. AS soon as i woke up this morning, which happened to be at three A.M, i knew i was not fit for ordinary activity. I dragged myself out of bed around eleven to watch the price is right, as i have been dying to see it wiht it's new host Drew Carey. I was disappointed to find that thehost is still paid to tell everyone to spay and neuter their pets at the end of every episode.

Drew Carey is a better host than Bob Barker. His skin is not orange from excessive tanning, and he doesnt molest the models that show off the products. He is funny, and embraces everyone that goes on the show. Bob barker had this way of only hugging the pretty ladies. Drew hugs everyone, ugly ladies, pretty ladies, ugly men and pretty men, which could of course leave questions about his sexuality unanswered, but that isnt my problem.

Speaking of sexuality, has anyone heard that our beloved Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books is gay? J.K Rowling said it herself in front of a large audience at carnegie hall.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I forgot that i had to do my chemistry project by tomorrow, so i was rushing to finish my video about dextromethorphan, which is the chemical in cough medicines that make people go loopy. After i was very close to finishing, i had forgotten to save it and the ocpmuter froze. Naturally, i was very pissed off. I finally got that done.

I also had to work all day today. Good ol' Burger King. WE had tree buses come in today, so it was very busy and i got uqite overwhelmed a coupl eof times. it was nice that i had managers to help me though, they helped me get through the tough part sof the day.

To topit all off, i have the worst sire throat i have ever had in my life. I feel like i was punched in the jugular several times, and then forced ot swallow a can of pepsi whole. Blech. Im going to bed, and then going to the doctors tomorrow.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Thank god its friday. I cant stand the long school week sometimes, usually by wednesday im in an overall pissed off mood. I suppose it doesnt get any better, considering someday I'll have to deal with the work week, which i am sure is ten times as hectic and much mroe stressful, but for the moment, this is all I really have to complain about.

We had to do a papaer on a presidential candidate, so i naturally chose Barack Obama, however, i was then told that i was not alowed to do him becuase we already had a class assignment on a paper specifically about Obama. I didnt want to advertise for another candidate, so i chose a third-party candidate. His name is Jared Ball and he is the nominee for the Green Party. He wears "Bling" when he gives speaches, and he doesnt look like he can even afford a suit and tie.

Third party candidates are a waste of a vote. They wont win, ever. Note to self: dont vote for a third party candidate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Best Sign Ever!!

Bset sign ever!!!

I would highly recommend cheking this out, it's awesome.

Burger King

I no longer work at the local library. Instead, i have decided to take up employment at the local Burger King. There is much more to do at Burger King than there is to do at the library, and I really enjoy it when Rob yells at the people in the drive -thru. Today, we heard over the loudspeaker that soemone wanted five rodeo cheeseburgers and eight orders of five piece chicken tenders. "How the hell could anyone order that much food!?" he yelled. "I hope you eat it all and die, you FATASS!" I wonder if he heard him.

I had to "dining Room" today. that simply means that i was the kid who goes out into the eating-area and cleans everything. The manager told me that i did a very nice job, but i felt that my job was only sub-par. Just goes to show how incredibly low the expectations are at Burger King.

So, our group presented that project that we toiled over for hours last night, and it was crap compared to some of the other groups. They used WIndows Movie-maker, which makes a much cooler presentation than Power-point does, but i didnt even know that software was on my computer until yesterday. That is totally how i am going to do my upcoming chemistry project. I have to do a presentation on Dextromethorphan. That is the stuff in cough syrup that makes people go loopy. Our teacher, Mr. Keaton, wouldnt let me do LSD, so i had to settle for a legal hallucinogen. I think that he thinks that i am a druggy, but whatever, doesnt bother me. I am going to have the coolest presentation EVER! It's gonna be all tie-dye and stuff, with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in the background.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


No, i dont mean projects such as those found in the cities where gunfights are common. I mean school projects. Such as the one i worked on today, for two hours. This is my philosophy: If something isnt fun and takes longer than twenty minutes, it isnt worth doing. I want to at least be having fun while i do things, this journalism project was boring. Aside from the fact that very few of our group members even did anything, so me and derek had to make up for it, it is simply a slide-show using microsoft power-point. Blah.

However, we made it a little bit out of the ordinary by including questions that can be asnwered by going to dofferent slides in the presentation, which is pretty neat. However, it wasnt so neat setting it all up. It takes time and concentration to do such tasks, and it is fun at all. I think life should just be a big long joke. If life isnt going to be fun, then i dont want to live it. Thats another little philosophy of mine. Someday im going to write a book full of "calvinosophies", and it will be a best seller becaus eit will ift people's spirits and give them a new outlook on life. Win-win situation, i get rich, they get happy.


Today, we took the PSAT's. They were an absolute waste of my good time. Nobody deserves to be put in a room with no windows for four hours and fill in bubbles on an answer sheet. These tests will be sent out to some random someone out in california and I'm going to be analyzed via a bunch of questions that dont have any way whatsoever of telling how smart or dumb i am. Therefore not only did the test watse my time, but it wasted the time of whoever has to postmark it and send it off, as well as the man in a white coat who will correct my test.

These ripple effects are what make up our everyday lives. If the guy at the gas station decides that he is having a bad day and gives you an attitude when you buy your morning coffe(or if you're like me, tea), that will more than likely rub off on you. Therefore, you are in a crabby mood all morning and wont feel better until you are certain that your bad mood has rubbed off on someone else. If wew were able to go through every day without bothering with other people's problems, we might not be so fed up all the time. If everyone were to follow the "invisible hand" that siginifies our best interests, everyone would be happy because htey have done what is best for themselves. This, to a point, is simply human nature.

Then some people will say "well what about people like Mother Teresa?" That of coursde could be a n exception to the rule, however i beleive that she did what she did out of self-interest. Maybe it made her feel good inside to help others, or maybe she knew damn well that if she wanted a free ticket to heaven she might as well bust her ass with the poor indian kids in this lifetime. I think she was just an exception to the rule.

Funny how something as frivolous as the PSAT's can tie into mother teresa.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

They'rrrreeee Baaaaaaccckkk!!!!

OKay, so it osnt the poltergeist, but the daily squamer is in fact up and running again! And guess what? Instead of putting little hints in here and there as to what political candidate you should support, I'm just going to come out and tell that i like Barack Obama. He rules, end of sotry. However, I am always interested in peopole;s political ideas, as i am a fairly open person.

The summer has gone by rather uneventfully. There was the Hopkinton State Fair, ehich was even more overpriced than i had ever expected. Absolutely ridiculous. Tickets were like, a dollar apiece, and you needed five of them to ride good rides. I was pissed. Like anybody wants to pay five dollars to ride on a huge piece of sheet metal thats all rusted and must be trusted to twirl you upside down without falling apart. The drunken carny who alwasy seems to be running the rides doesnt always boost one's confidence in the ride anyway. In the end i forked over the last few dollars i had in my pocket, and rode the rides that i was sure (and hoping a little bit) would bring me to my demise. However, they turned out to be quite safe and i did in fact have to go back to school a couple of weeks later.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Working at a library

Today, i went to work and muddled thorugh the foolish everyday tasks of keeping a local library up and running. I put the books away in alphabetical order by author, and then by title. Then, after i did all of that, i walked around the entire library and made sure that they were in fact in alphabetical order. Upon doing this, some little brat and his unattentive mother came into the library, and the little brat decided that while his mother was in the bathroom, he would knock over the entire rack of DVDs. "They just all fell over" was his excuse when his mother asked what had happened. A good page would have picked them all up, however, i realized that i could leave in ten minutes and pretended not to notice what had happened and continued looking over the new-release section for misshelved books.

Every wednesday, a group of mentally retarded people come to the library. Personally i have no problems at all with these people, however, it angers me to the tenth degree when they walk around and misplace things all over the library. You would think that their aids would help to re-shelve the magazines that they unknowingly misplaced, however, they do not and i am left with the daunting task of fixing the magazine rack every week. This is not as simple as it seems. Our magazine rack is elongated and awkward, so it is nearly impossible to put the newest issue of "Allure", (that was carelessly misplaced in the "People" magazine section by a library patron) back into its rightful position without it being a chore. Then,on my trek back to the "Allure" section, i usually find some random magazine that i never even knew existed ("Mother Jones Diary", "Architecturl Digest") placed near the "National Geographic" section, which is all the way at the other end of the magazine rack. It is incredibly unfortunate. I hope to the good Lord in heaven that i can find a different job soon. Otherwise, i may be forced to douse the library in gasoline and light the damned magazine rack on fire.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


so apparently i am not so grounded, because i am still allowed to do things. Parents are rather hard to understand sometimes, but whatever. Among the hardest to understand is my father. He is always so vague about what he wants you to do. But tomorrow is fathers day and i am supposed to be happy for him, so i bought hima nice card from rite-aid that talks about the crap i put him through etc. Parents are a weird breed, and someday i will be one, i actually cant wait to be a parent, that would be fun, however i hope to not be as odd as my parents, but i know i will be. Whatever.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Yes, so Mrs. Rand e-mailed my parents with the wonderful information that i will in fact be failing biology for the fourth quarter. Im pissed, not at mrs. rand, but at the fact that i am failing biology. Gay.

Anyways, due to this incredibly unfortunate event i will be grounded for quite some time so i dont know if i will posting very much in the next few weeks, but dont give up on me!!! There will be many more posts to come in the future.

DOnt forget to check out the new blog Unfortunate Satire, hopefully you will get a kick out of it.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


School is finally over!!! Until next year, when we are hearded through the doors once again and forced to learn uneccessary shit. However, im not going to even think about that for the moment, im not even going to think about my terrible grades that will soon be appearing in the mailbox. I dont have to go to school for a couple of months, and that makes me very happy.

While school will not be in session over the next few months, i still plan to make posts about various occurences with the WRHS staff etc. Along with my daily ramblings about how badly the place blows.

I also intend to start another blog, im not sure what it will be called, but it will hold pieces of my creative writing. Pretty much everything I write is meant to be funny, so i hope it makes you laugh.

Of course, none of this will happen if i am grounded for my bad grades, so this may be the last post you see for a while. SCHOOL'S OUT, FOR THE SUMMER!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I just don't know about the value of my life at the moment. It seems as if everything that I have worked for has just gone down the drain. This whole school year, I have been working to get to summer vacation, and I will now be grounded for the majority of it. How beautiful. Just frickin' beautiful.

However, I think that I would rather be grouned at home than not be grounded at school. I am going to agree with gledwood and say that school is absolutely crap. And i wouldn't be letting those bastards get me down if they didnt notify my parents about my slacking off for their bastardly-taught classes. I hate them. I seem to be filled with wayyyy too much hate right now, and that probably isn't a good thing. Whatever, I could have worse problems. Gledwood is locked up in rehab. That's unfortunate, but i hope for the best with him. I really do.

They tried to send him to rehab I said GO GO GO !!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Some days i just wish that i had died in my sleep

The last two days in a row have been like that. First I find out that I am failing biology class. Unlucky. Then I come to find out that I just missed being exempt from my U.S History final exam by one point.

So i did what i could and handed in some old work in biology, and i missed passing by two points. two points. Extra lame. I hate Mrs. Rand and the subject of Biology. I think that I am too filled up with hate, and that leads to bad things.

Next I find out that I am almost certainly not going to pass english class either. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I hate them , all of them.

Next year, I would like to think that i can start off on a new leaf and get my ramshackled life back together, however, it is very possible that my leaf already blew away.

I have been so hopeful these past couple of days that i might just drop dead, that i even wrote a will in biology class today. It was more for fun than anything, and stated in big letters THIS IS NOT A SUICIDE NOTE!!! because it isnt and i would never consider that, however many a class at Winnisquam Regional High School has tempted me to do so right then and there.

I think I need help, but at this point I seem to have reached a tipping point, and I would like to think that I could blame it on the school i attend, and for the most part, i could. However that's not to say im not a screw up either. Whatever. I need to go ponder on the thought of making a run for it for a few days after finals.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Today was incredibly interesting, and as I sit here typing away at the wee hours of the morning, I am still slightly pissed off about certain events throughout the day. The school day started off well, and we got to make fractured fairy tales in English class. I re-wrote the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, and instead of being a small mystical creature, he was a computer hacker/child predator from a small third world country in the Pacific. I want to put it up on the blog sometime after I get the graded piece back. I think that you will all enjoy it.

However my day took a turn for the worst when I realized that we had double period Biology class today, and i would have to deal wth the downright stupidity of Mrs. Rand. About halfway through class, she calls me up and tells me that "she has a bone to pick with me" in a very rude and demeaning voice.

To understand what is about to happen, you have to know this piece first. The other day, my girlfriend, Jena, was over, and we were walking through the woods looking for wild flowers for her Biology project. (her class has different assignments, but the same ignorant teacher). We came across a Ladyslipper(which is endangered and there is a large fine for picking one if it is not on your own property), and, being on my property, i picked it for her to use in her project.

Anyway, Mrs. Rand was angry with me and began telling me what would happen. The argument escalated into shouts and I told her that if it was on mmy effing land i would do as i effing please. Then she said that she would tell the resource officer ( a fancy name for the cop who walks around our school ) on me. I told her to go ahead and try, and upon walking away, i told her to suck on herself. I know that I was being a dickhead a little bit, but in the words of Patch Adams, that just means you have to make sure that your head is a dick and it is attached to your neck.

One more week, and then it's home free for me. ALthough Im not sure what the hell I will find to do in the middle of New Hampshire, one of America's most boring states. (I think that Kansas, Maine, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, are all even more boring)

I would also like to direct everyone's attention to the gledwood blog, it is a very interesting blog that offers a peek into the amazing life of British Man. Truly fascinating, I enjoy reading it to the tenth power.

Friday, June 8, 2007

So close...But yet so far

This Friday, the last day of the school week. This makes me incredibly excited, because school just pisses me right off and it's time for a break. However, the end of this week gets us ever so closer to next week. The worst week of the school year: Final Exam Week.

Nobody likes it, it's hectic, nobody ever knows what is happening, other alternative ideas have been brought up, yet we still have the same old week of final exams. I think that the school year would not at all be complete without this unneccesary weekf tests though. It gives us all a sense of accomplishment before we get the hell out. Even if you Christmas tree all of your exams, you still had to sit in the classroom the entire time, waiting for your ticket out of that hell hole we call winnisquam.

I would like to extend a congratulations to all of the seniors who will be graduating tonight. They have made it through four years that they hated and can't wait to leave, but someday when they are thirty or so years old, they will look back on it as the best years that they ever had. Congratulations once again to the seniors!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Some People...

God seems to enjoy messing with the human population. It seems that every day there are fewer and fewer people who are even competant enough to realize right from wrong, and He just seems to enjoy playing around with those of us that just might go somewhere in life. He apparently enjoys creating people like Mrs. Rand, our biology teacher. She is so incredibly stupid and dumb that my IQ drops whenever she opens her mouth.

We end up with people like this because we have one of the lowest payrolls for school districts in the state, therefore we cannot pay for good teachers. And whenever we do get a good teacher, they leave as soon as they can to teach at a school where the kids care about being something when they grow up. Unforunately we still have high schoolers that want to be "train track drivers" or "Truck Drivers". Pitiful.

It seems like I say this indirectly almost everyday, but today I will just come right out and say it: Winnisquam is a lost cause. I just need them to stay somewhat presentable until I graduate, so that way I wont have to pay to go to a school full of rich kids who just want to play football and tackle me, all for the outcome of going to college.

It is sad that in order to be someone in today's world you have to have gone to college. I know for a fact that I could be plenty succesful and gain plenty of money right now, but nobody would give me a loan because I dont have a degree in anything. Except drawing mazes, which I tend to do quite frequently in Biology class.

Which brings me back to the original point at hand: Our Biology teacher Mrs. Rand. She is such a flaming bitch sometimes, but then two minutes later she will act like your best friend. I hate her, and I hope that she trips off of a cliff and dies a slow painful death at the bottom.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Yearbook Dedication

I am rather depressed that the this year's senior class felt that they had to dedicate the yearbook Ms. Farr. They only did it because she is retiring after 35 years of being principal. Now, I understand that this is a planty good reson to dedicate a yearbook to someone, but honestly, what has she really done. A couple of times a week, she talks to the trouble makers that did really stupid stuff, like attempt to steal a car from the student parking lot etc...

Ms. Ezen does all of the real work. I find it disheartening that the school district has decided not to renew her contract, I will miss her presence at our lowly little high school. However, it may be in the best interest of the school district to try something new. They have hired a male for that position, and no offense to the ladies, i believe that having a male presence in the position of vice-principal will help. Nobody is scared of Ms. Ezen. She's too nice, maybe we need a guy who isnt so nice to all the pain in the asses who have infiltrated our once peaceful school district.

Anyways, back to the yearbook dedication. It was quite obvious that the seniors wanted to dedicate the book to the kitchen staff, because of the never before seen "special thanks". It was very nice of them to do that, but i found it sad that they felt forced to dedicate the book to Ms. Farr just becuase she was leaving after so long.

So, i think that it would be fair that the senior class give a gift to Ms. Farr, and dedicate the yearbook to the nice old lunch ladies that always greet us with a smile, no matter how mean and nasty we have been to them.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Field Trip

I have noticed an inflation in the number of field trips being taken lately. There was on today to some restaurant in the southern part of the state. The Economics classes went, but nobody else was invited. Lame. I remember last year, our earth science class was supposed to go to Boston and go to the iMax theatre and the aquarium. We never got to go because apparently there was no money for field trips. Im not sure how all of a sudden there is extra money. The school is paying the teachers way more than they did last year, We are getting a new principal and vice-principal next year, and those aren't cheap. hmmmm....

This has lead me to believe that the Winnisquam Regional School District is involved with the mafia. In exchange for a few "favors" (drug sales), the mafie could supply us with the money needed. And what better place to run a mob operation than that of a high school, which is located in a town where 25% of the population is addicted to meth? There are plenty of customers, plus, they work hand in hand with the police force, so this way the mob gets ahold of a few crooked cops to help pave the way to a new territory.

However, it wouldnt exactly be considered "new" territory. It is widely known that since the mid-seventies the weirs has been a popular summer getaway for mobsters from the Boston-New York area. Sometime during the late eighties there was a mob hit in Laconia, so this is by no means new territory.

I rest my case. Due to lots of new money, and having an excellent environment for their business, I believe that the mafia has in fact taken over the minds of the school board. It is very possible that they have infected superintedant Tammy Davis, but I think that some of her bogus ideas have come from a very rare disease only found in the amazon.....

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Today was wednesday the thirtieth. There is something special that happened today, can you guess it? That's right, you can't, because nothing ever happens at that godforsaken place we call a high school, or the local library, where I deal with the day to day problems that a local library would go through, which also consists of nothing. My job is boring, my classes are boring, and even my weekends are boring sometimes. But what is boredom? Is it the act of having nothing to do, or does it have to do with things being there to be done but not coming of interest for the bored individual at hand? Or it could just be that one does not have the will to make something interesting, which goes back to sheer laziness. I think that it is mostly laziness, but Im telling you, it takes a great deal of effort to make an entire Algebra 2 class exciting. As hard as I try, I only get these little bits of time where the class necomes non-boring. Lame.

Anyways, Winnisquam seems to cooking up quite alot of boredom lately, and that is no good. That means that teachers are not making class interesting, and therefore not at all productive, except for nerds and geeks, and this leads to lower test scores which eventually lead to losing creditation. Boredom also leads kids to do stupid things just to kill time, in my case that consists of filling out numerous myspace surveys, lame, i know. But in many cases it leads kids to do things like graffitiing the walls of the local elementary school, Vandalizing cars in the school parking lot, or throwing apples at the wall, which I actually did once, and the only good thing that came out of that was that i now have a claim to fame in that i was the first one to ever be caught by the new camera system. I ended up spending an hour with the janitors after school helping to clean up the english wing. I didnt get to attend the pep rally, but the time was spent in Ms. Nelson's class watching "Pimp My Ride". So much better than losing your voice to the cheering competition.

SO in conclusion, i have concluded, that my concluded conclusion has come to the conclusion that the conclusion is that nothing is happening at Winnisquam, but iI can smell something coming real soon...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dont Ask

The band "The Breathing Method", formerly "The Scarlet Rush", formerly "Say This Sooner", consisting of former squamers Josh Lacroix and Derek Brewer, and current squamer Dan Holway, are not playing a show with Saves The Day. Please dont ask Dan if they are, eighty million people already asked him, and that's annoying.

Tuesday Mornings

This morning was extra crappy because I woke up sick. My head hurts, my throat is scratchy, my shoulder is in pain, i stubbed my toe, and I have a cronic cough that hurts my entire body. And yet, I still ended up in school this morning. However, my mother was kind enough to pick me up after English class, which is why I have found the time to write about the extended weekend.

Saturday was host to a show at the Margate, with our great friends Quick Decision headlining the show. There was another great band there from Belmont called Tuesday Mornings, how ironic. The show was great, but lasted very late into the night, with the final act not finishing up until 11:30.

Sunday night hosted Akon and Ciara at the Meadowbrook/US Cellular Pavillion. I was not planning on goin to this, considering I despise both Akon and Ciara, but my cousin offered me free tickets under the pavillion, so i couldn't argue. I ended up standing right in front of the stage and came very close to receiving the honor of touching Akon. Big Whoop.

I hope that everyone has enjoyed their long weekend, and i hope that you are all ready to get through these last few weeks of school. Finals suck, but as soon as you finish those it's home free.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesdy Woes

Now that I am done summing up Tuesday, I can move onto today's problems. Ms. Nelson seems to think that it is a fun idea to make our research papers due on Friday. Although mine is already complete, after seeing the grades of my fellow compatriots who passed theirs in early, I am quite worried. I have reason to be worried about my grade in there because I only did half of my project on "The Crucible", which was the stupidest play that I haven't read for school in a long time. Yesterday, our third period english class listened to one overly angered female student go on and on about how she deserved a better grade on her paper because she didnt know what the rubrik was etc. etc., blah, blah, blah. If you are reading this right now and you know that you were this particular student please listen to this: Just because your paper sucked, doesnt mean that we have to listen to you bitch about it.

On top of all this, I left my geometry homework at home, so I didn't receive credit for it. I need to start doing my homework for math class, which is much easier said than done. I can now vision myself, the night before the end of the quarter, finishing all of my make-up work for all of my classes. I know that this will happen becausei t has every time so far this year.

And on top of all of that, I was once again forced to shelve books at the local library for minimum wage. I find this very demeaning, especially becasue I just want to have a normal teenager job. For example: bagging groceries, putting clothes back on the rack at a department store, or waiting tables at a filthy run-down diner. While I am not exactly sure ho whealthy it would be to work at one of these places, it sure as hell would be more fun than working at the library.

Tuesday and Wednesday Have Officially Merged

In last night's laziness, I found myself watching television until almost ten 'o' clock, and then getting into the shower. After taking an elongated shower, I thought to myself, "I should probably go and write about today's happenings on the blog". Of course, I didnt end up doing that because there was no blog for anyone to read yesterday. I simply decided that it was bedtime and I soon fell asleep while listening to yet another brilliant episode of loveline.

So, therefore, I have officailly decided to write about yesterday today. I woke up much later than usual because my four dollar alarm clock decided to be lame and not go off, therefore I was forced to be woken up by a stiff jabbing motion to the spine by my less-than-impressed father. Anyways, I missed the bus and that kind of screwed up my morning. The day at Winnisquam went by rather uneventfully, with our little friend, Tyler Prue, not showing up. He is an embarrasment to his family, the town of Tilton, and The Winnisquam Schoold District. Nobody likes him already, and stealing the most favored radio host in the area's cell phone is not going to help his ego.

I had to serve my detention after school with Ms. Keane, who is a nice person at heart, but seems to be having a hard time acting as a normal human being. Her moods swing back and forth like that of a woman going through menopause....

Anyway, I only had to stay for about fifteen minutes, and then went to my grandmother's house to mow her lawn. Later, I ate some of the finest pizza in the land at G.G's pizzeria and deli, located next to Cumberland Farms. It's good stuff.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I just read a blog called Everest 2007, and it is about the journey that these people have been taking to the top of Mt. Everest. Congratulations to them, and definite props.

Just Another Manic Monday

It seems that almost every monday, I can hear that song playing in the back of my mind all throughout the day. It has come to my attention that there was an arrest made at school today, involving one of my least favorite people in the world, Tyler Prue. It appears that Tyler was the little bastard who stole Fred Caruso's cell phone. (Yes Fred Caruso from 94.1 FM, he's totally our varsity baseball coach.)

Anyways, with that being said, I will move on to news about the JV baseball team. Today, as I was forced to make the trek to Hopkinton on the bus with the rest of the team, I realized that baseball was not fun and that its is just taking up time. Lame. I hope I never play baseball for Winnisquam again, but I am sure that I'll be back playing again next spring. After making this stupidly obnoxious voyage down interstate 89, we lost 4-2. Losing just made it even more time-wasting.

The JV softball team lost as well, but that has become fairly commonplace for them, no offense intended. Our JV baseball team was equally as bad last year, with a 2-8 record. ehh.

So, for closing notes on Monday: Tyler Prue is a sneaky little bastard, Both JV baseball and softball suck, Fred Caruso is awesome, and Manic Monday is a good song.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Quick Decision

This is a video of the band Quick Decision preforming live, featuring Winnisquam's own, John Reifsnyder on drums. They are definetly a sick badn, so you all should check them out. They are performing the song, "Invasion Of A New".

Im Not Engaged

I found a blog called infinite thinking today, and it says that a student not engaged is a student not learning. That's a load of crap. I dont think I am engaged in class even half the time I am at school, but I still manage to learn stuff. I know my formulas in geometry, and I know greek gods for english class, but I am rarely ever engaged.

The only kids that are engaged in class are the ones who are seriously there to learn, and I have nothing against them, I just have this philosophy: A smart kid does their homework, A smarter kid finds a way to get on honor roll with minimal amounts of effort involved. I just want to get through high school, so I can go to college and be engaged in a class that I wanted to take in the forst place, not one that I wasa forced to take by the state of New Hampshire.

I would also like to take this time to copmment on the No child left behind act, given to us by our wonderful president George Bush. It basically states that every child gets an equal shot at education. Sounds good, but that also means no gifted classes for the smart kids, and no slower classes for the dumb kids. Everyone just gets jumbled into one class. This act forced the Winnisquam Middle School to completely cut off funds for their gifted program.

Where does this leave the kids that actually want to be at school? In a class filled with speds and stoners. On the other end of the spectrum, where does this leave the kids with special needs? In a class with kids smarter than them. They always teach us about self-esteem, now they are simply ruining the self-esteem of the retarded kids.

I think President Bush should read "Howard Bergeron", by Kurt Vonnegut. It is a short story, only sven to to ten pages at most. Actually everyone should read it, so that they can see where our world has headed.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Things That One Cannot Do In Ms. Keane's Room

For those of you that dont know, Ms. Keane is the substitute filling for Mrs. RIng while she tends for her newborn baby, which will be the rest of the year. While Mrs. Ring was far more annoying, Ms. Keane isn't a barrel of monkeys either. These are some things that you CANNOT do while present in room 227 at Winnisquam Regional High School.

1. First and foremost, DO NOT lean on the desks. Whether it is leaning back, or simply just putting weight on the desk while diligently working on your quiz, just dont do it. My suggestion is to train yourself to keep your hands below your desk, in your pockets or something, so that when she tries to yell at you, you can explain that your hands were below the desk and that it is not possible with the current desk structure to commit such acts of leaning without ones hands being on top of said desk in question.

2. Do Not Eat Saltines. I am sure that very soon, this will change to no eating at all, but that is only a guess. This rule came about when Alex Evangelo wanted to try and eat ten saltines in a minute, he began by stuffing five in his mouth at once, and then laughing histerically at our disgusted faces, spewing saltines into the far right corner of the room. Then, David Andrus wanted to try, so he took some more saltines and began eating them, but this seemed to be boring for him, so he began throwing the saltines at Alex. By the end of first period spanish 2, there was a large pile of saltines in the back of the room.

3. Do Not throw things to people that cannot catch. This will result in a detention, which i had to find out the hard way. I have mentioned this before, so as not to be repetitive, I will leave it at this. Kyle Sarber can't catch Gatorade bottles. Even when he knows they are coming.

Do Not show her someone else's homework claiming that it is your own. Especially when somebody else's name is scribbled across the top. I took note of this new rule yesterday when the ever intelligent David Andrus tried to show Ms. Keane Derick Jennes' homework. This is how it unfurled:

David: "Ms. Keane!! I found my homework!"
Keane: "Good Job David!!, just let me come and make sure you did it all"
David: "It's all done, its all here" hands teacher homework
Keane: "David, it says Derick Jennes right on the top of it"
Keane: "Why would you lie to me David?"
David: "Go Away."
Keane: "You didnt answer my question"
David: "Nobody wants to listen to you Ms. Keane, just go away"

Poor David, and poor Ms. Keane. SHe has been blessed by an angel from hell to receive a job at beautiful WRHS.

Lets Make a Quick Decision About Friday

Alright, so I accidentally skipped Friday, because I, unlike many a student at WRHS, have a life and was out doing things with it. However, I woke up extra early to write about friday's events. Unfortunately, the only cool thing that happened yesterday was me getting a confirmation that there WAS in fact a fight during fifth period thursday. I still dont know the names of those involved, but I know that it was two white trash girls throwing glass bottles at each other, and then screaming and yelling exploitives at the top of their lungs. Rather cliche, but at least something happened last week.

I suppose my detention is worth mentioning as well. Adding to the list of things that cannot be done in Ms. Keanes room, along with leaning on the desks, are eating saltines, and giving people their water bottle back. Saltines never used to be a problem, until my good friends David Andrus and Alex Evangelo thought it would be fun to crumple them up and hurl them against the back wall. This, I can say, is an understandable rule in my first period spanish class, however, the forthcoming is not.

Apparently, when one cannot cathc his waterbottle being given back to him, the thrower of said water bottle gets a consequence. I originally thought that I had received a detention for throwing the bottle, which is a little bizarre, but i could understand. However, upon receiving the detention slip, it read: "Threw water bottle at Kyle Sarber's face" Gimme a break lady. He saw the bottle coming at him after i had picked it up off the floor for him, but he flinched or something and the bottle hit him in the head. Poor Kyle.

I would like to take this time that Kyle Sarber is one of the coolest kids in the world, and I would never have a reason to throw a water bottle at his head, unlike that of the white trash girls fighting during fifth period.

So i suppose that Friday was somewaht eventful, ending with Quick Decision, a band including our very own John Reifsnyder on drums, winning the Pembroke battle of the bands. They pretty much kicked ass, so props to those guys.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday, Thursday....

Yet again, I was forced to shelve books at my dead end job at the local library. Lame-o. However, I had the opportunity to go to Dairy Queen and buy myself a misty float. Grape Misty Floats are heaven. I love them.

I also love the fact that there is an office located at room 228 that gets students set up with internships. I was able to sign up for one myself today, so that is pretty awesome.

Anways... I heard that there was a fight today during fifth period, but rumors havent been confirmed yet. I dont even know who it was that was fighting, I just heard that there was a fight and that it was pretty uneventful. We havent seen a good fight in a long time, not since Ed Hill very succesfully warded off attacks from Steven Straight, who seemed to think that there was some "shit talking" involving Ed. Probably a bad idea for Steve, who nobody likes anyway. Stupid Steve.

There was definetly alot of pictures of Winnisquam students in today's "Winnisquam Echo". Mostly in the sports section, so check it out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The end is near

I learned today that in the near future, our school will be watched by several professionals to see if we have earned the governments certification. WE are, as I am sure you all know, screwed. Without accreditation, we receive no funding, and colleges dont have to accept our credits. No more college diploma for me.

With that through, it was yet another boring day at winnisquam. Nothing exciting has happened all week, and I am getting frustrated. I feel a definite negative energy in the hallways this week. That negative nergy ended up in me not getting a ride to work today, and being forced to walk through the terrible downpour to my dead end job putting books on the shelf of a local library. LAME!!!!!

Mrs. Rand(dont even get me started on her) had one of her famous biology tests today. One of those tests where she didnt teach the class the majority of the stuff on the test, which really pisses alot of people off. Maybe whenm those "professionals" look at our school, they will be able to tell that she is incompetant and an imbucile. Like I said, dont even get me started.

I also learned a valuable lesson in Ms. Keane's class today. DO NOT LEAN ON THE DESKS!!!!! Just lean on the desk next time you are in her class and see what happens. just trust me on this one, you wont get in that much trouble.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday, Tuesday

Tuesday is a day that seems to get lost in the mix alot. It is not as awkward as monday, and not nearly as exciting as Friday. It's just another day that lies in an unfortunate spot during the week.

Today, there was junior testing of some sort, they seem to be testing alot these days. I have heard from many a junior that these tests are not at all fun in any way, shape, or form. It is obvious why the school is using the juniors. They recently found that the juniors were the first class in almost a decade to pass the standardized tests for the year. The schoolboard knows that there was no change in the teaching styles, because at least half of our staff seems to be incompetent. The juniors appear to be a smart class overall.

Speaking of competency, very soon there should be a post up with a statistical breakdown of every department. Many people's opinions, along with lots of research, will be put into that post. If you have any opinions on the competency or uncompetency of any teacher, e-mail me at . Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

We need more hits here at the site, so tell everyone you know about the new winnisquam blog. There should be some posters around school at some point in the near future, so be on the lookout for those.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Yet Another Monday

Today was not at all a fun day. But what the hell was i expecting?, it's friggin monday!!! I think the mutual hate for Mondays is much like that for people in our school that go by the name of Tyler Prue. Monday is that bastard child that doesnt quit talking, touching, and screwing around. I hate both Mondays and Tyler Prue.

However, usually Mondays seem to have something eventful occur partway through the day. For example, a heated argument over some random girl from a party over the weekend that two guys seem to have to "discuss" in the lunch room. Today was quite contrary. Nothing fun happened, and the day went on like a usual Thursday.

That could possibly mean that the stars have flipped and Thursday will be more like a monday. That would mean that said heated argument would be even more heated come thursday, or in this case the new monday, and make for an even bigger fight with more food throwing and name calling and face-punching action one would expect from a disney channel movie. Damn Disney Channel Movies.

I believe that class elections were posted today, and those results will be posted as soon as they are found out.

Have a happy rest of Monday, or thursday for that matter

Saturday, May 12, 2007

help please?

hey, i was wondering how i might get the site onto search engines etc.., word of mouth is great advertising, but if anyone knows how to submit stuff to google, yahoo, msn, etc, you can e-mail me at


It is a saturday morning and i am awake at nine o clock. Pitiful. However, the track team was up and ready to go this morning bright and early for their meet at Newfound. The meet doesnt even start until ten, but the coaches seemed to think it would be fun to arrive at around 8:30. I wonder about those track coaches sometimes. The guys coach, who is also a janitor at WRHS, seems to be an alright guy. However, the throwing coach, Powell, I believe stares at the behinds of our young women of winnisquam. Not so cool. When you're in your mid twenties and dont even have a girlfriend, something has gone wrong. Duffy, who was my english teacher in seventh grade, doesnt seem to care about anyone on the team, she just wants them to run so that they can earn points for the team.

I think it is pathetic that coaches feel so compelled to win that they put the well-being of their athletes second. It is alright to want to win, however, this is high school and it's not like Winnisquam has a reputation of being an awesome athletic school. We are proud to say that our football team is rated as the second worst in the country. GOOOOOOOOOO BEEEEEAAARRRSSSS!

Really though, our football team is a disgrace, and nobody goes to watch them because their field is a few miles away next to the Tilton Outlet Malls. They arent even allowed to play at the school, thats how disgraceful they are. Whatever, most of WRHS doesnt even care, our student body seems to made up of whores stoners for the most part. (OOPS! who said that?)

There are the occasoinal good apples though, but they are a dying breed. Just one look at downtown Tilton and Northfield, and one would instantly realize that this entire are is losing it's potential very quickly. But hey, we could be living in Franklin, official armpit of New Hampshire.

Friday, May 11, 2007


The Winnisquam Bears JV baseball team totally demolished the Moultonborough JV team. This is a very good thing for the baseball program, which has been sluimping as of late, but the team is seeing a total lack of motivation. Nobody wants to be there. Even when the team is winning everyone just wants to go home, except for individuals named Jason McDonald that seem to have no life outside of Baseball and Sportscenter.

This leads me to another point. I was listening to the JV coach talk about how jumping on trampolines hurts his back. You know that your age has begun to catch up to you when activities that promote fitness make your body worse. Growing older is not at all something I am especially looking forward to, but I suppose that it has to hapen someday.

To hell with it, maybe I'll die an early death in some type of unnecessary and flambuoyant fashion before I grow old. That wouldnt be so bad.

In other news, I have heard through the gigantic grapevine of rumors that votes will not be counted for the class elections until tuesday. Seriously, what kind of geniouses do we have to hire with our tax money to count a few hundred votes? Come on people.

The Infamous First Post

This is the first of what I hope will be many posts on the daily squamer, a blog created to deal specifically with the daily goings-on of Winnisquam Regional High School and it's many flaws.

As i write this first post, I am sitting, incredibly bored, at the second computer on the left of our media center. I should be in fym class, but Ms. Dutton is sick and I asked the teacher if I could come to the library. Nothing exciting has happened today, so I suppose the only thing we are looking forward to is the announcement of who won for class president, and even most people dont even care about that.

The "lockdown" yesterday proved to be a large disappointment, considering nothing exciting even came of it. I think that it really is beginning to show why we have such low test scores when a student mistakes a telephone worker for a dangerous man. However, we were able to get out of class for about fifteen minutes and it killed some time for all of us, who were more than likely on the verge of falling asleep, and would have, had class continued to go along as planned.

The lunch hour is almost upon us, so i must make my way back down to the bottom floor, where I can devour the less than cooked meals provided for us by SYSCO.

That las comment reminds of a paper I read today in english class, written by an anonyomous student. I have included a quote at the bottom that somewhat reflects the on the intelligence of certain members of the school board.

"they took away the highly conventional snack corner, because they believed that certain students were over-eating the provided confections. Hey, you cant live off of the chicken patties either"
- Anonymous