Thursday, October 25, 2007

still sick...

I have confirmed that four days of The Price Is Right and The History Channel isnt good for anyone. The doctors think that i have mononucleosis, which basically means that i will have a sore throat for several weeks and i will sleep alot. They told me that i can go in tomorrow and they will draw blood to find out, and they also told me to enjoy the ice-cream and movies for two weeks. Damn the doctors.

I have a pretty decent amount of work that i missed from being out of school, and it will continue to add up. My teachers were nice enough to send some of it home for me, which should help a little. HOwever, naturally i dont feel like doing it. The only things i have done so far is a worksheet for intro-to-business and a paper for journalism. I have to hand in some US History stuff, some of which was already done because it was supposed to be due back on monday anyway. I actually miss school.

Now im going to the library to find movies to watch. I prefer the library rather than the video store because the library is free. I used to like Video Vendor, because i could rent movies for one dollar. They went out of business a couple months ago though, so now i have to get movies at The movie gallery. The Movie Gallery is a total rip-off. Its like, five bucks to rent a movie. Their argument was that i get the movie for five days as opposed to the three days i got it for at video vendor. Im only going to watch the movie once. Most likely the night i get it.

I dislike being sick, but i must admit that the significant amounts of ice-cream help lift the spirits.

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