Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Working at a library

Today, i went to work and muddled thorugh the foolish everyday tasks of keeping a local library up and running. I put the books away in alphabetical order by author, and then by title. Then, after i did all of that, i walked around the entire library and made sure that they were in fact in alphabetical order. Upon doing this, some little brat and his unattentive mother came into the library, and the little brat decided that while his mother was in the bathroom, he would knock over the entire rack of DVDs. "They just all fell over" was his excuse when his mother asked what had happened. A good page would have picked them all up, however, i realized that i could leave in ten minutes and pretended not to notice what had happened and continued looking over the new-release section for misshelved books.

Every wednesday, a group of mentally retarded people come to the library. Personally i have no problems at all with these people, however, it angers me to the tenth degree when they walk around and misplace things all over the library. You would think that their aids would help to re-shelve the magazines that they unknowingly misplaced, however, they do not and i am left with the daunting task of fixing the magazine rack every week. This is not as simple as it seems. Our magazine rack is elongated and awkward, so it is nearly impossible to put the newest issue of "Allure", (that was carelessly misplaced in the "People" magazine section by a library patron) back into its rightful position without it being a chore. Then,on my trek back to the "Allure" section, i usually find some random magazine that i never even knew existed ("Mother Jones Diary", "Architecturl Digest") placed near the "National Geographic" section, which is all the way at the other end of the magazine rack. It is incredibly unfortunate. I hope to the good Lord in heaven that i can find a different job soon. Otherwise, i may be forced to douse the library in gasoline and light the damned magazine rack on fire.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


so apparently i am not so grounded, because i am still allowed to do things. Parents are rather hard to understand sometimes, but whatever. Among the hardest to understand is my father. He is always so vague about what he wants you to do. But tomorrow is fathers day and i am supposed to be happy for him, so i bought hima nice card from rite-aid that talks about the crap i put him through etc. Parents are a weird breed, and someday i will be one, i actually cant wait to be a parent, that would be fun, however i hope to not be as odd as my parents, but i know i will be. Whatever.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Yes, so Mrs. Rand e-mailed my parents with the wonderful information that i will in fact be failing biology for the fourth quarter. Im pissed, not at mrs. rand, but at the fact that i am failing biology. Gay.

Anyways, due to this incredibly unfortunate event i will be grounded for quite some time so i dont know if i will posting very much in the next few weeks, but dont give up on me!!! There will be many more posts to come in the future.

DOnt forget to check out the new blog Unfortunate Satire, hopefully you will get a kick out of it.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


School is finally over!!! Until next year, when we are hearded through the doors once again and forced to learn uneccessary shit. However, im not going to even think about that for the moment, im not even going to think about my terrible grades that will soon be appearing in the mailbox. I dont have to go to school for a couple of months, and that makes me very happy.

While school will not be in session over the next few months, i still plan to make posts about various occurences with the WRHS staff etc. Along with my daily ramblings about how badly the place blows.

I also intend to start another blog, im not sure what it will be called, but it will hold pieces of my creative writing. Pretty much everything I write is meant to be funny, so i hope it makes you laugh.

Of course, none of this will happen if i am grounded for my bad grades, so this may be the last post you see for a while. SCHOOL'S OUT, FOR THE SUMMER!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I just don't know about the value of my life at the moment. It seems as if everything that I have worked for has just gone down the drain. This whole school year, I have been working to get to summer vacation, and I will now be grounded for the majority of it. How beautiful. Just frickin' beautiful.

However, I think that I would rather be grouned at home than not be grounded at school. I am going to agree with gledwood and say that school is absolutely crap. And i wouldn't be letting those bastards get me down if they didnt notify my parents about my slacking off for their bastardly-taught classes. I hate them. I seem to be filled with wayyyy too much hate right now, and that probably isn't a good thing. Whatever, I could have worse problems. Gledwood is locked up in rehab. That's unfortunate, but i hope for the best with him. I really do.

They tried to send him to rehab I said GO GO GO !!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Some days i just wish that i had died in my sleep

The last two days in a row have been like that. First I find out that I am failing biology class. Unlucky. Then I come to find out that I just missed being exempt from my U.S History final exam by one point.

So i did what i could and handed in some old work in biology, and i missed passing by two points. two points. Extra lame. I hate Mrs. Rand and the subject of Biology. I think that I am too filled up with hate, and that leads to bad things.

Next I find out that I am almost certainly not going to pass english class either. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I hate them , all of them.

Next year, I would like to think that i can start off on a new leaf and get my ramshackled life back together, however, it is very possible that my leaf already blew away.

I have been so hopeful these past couple of days that i might just drop dead, that i even wrote a will in biology class today. It was more for fun than anything, and stated in big letters THIS IS NOT A SUICIDE NOTE!!! because it isnt and i would never consider that, however many a class at Winnisquam Regional High School has tempted me to do so right then and there.

I think I need help, but at this point I seem to have reached a tipping point, and I would like to think that I could blame it on the school i attend, and for the most part, i could. However that's not to say im not a screw up either. Whatever. I need to go ponder on the thought of making a run for it for a few days after finals.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Today was incredibly interesting, and as I sit here typing away at the wee hours of the morning, I am still slightly pissed off about certain events throughout the day. The school day started off well, and we got to make fractured fairy tales in English class. I re-wrote the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, and instead of being a small mystical creature, he was a computer hacker/child predator from a small third world country in the Pacific. I want to put it up on the blog sometime after I get the graded piece back. I think that you will all enjoy it.

However my day took a turn for the worst when I realized that we had double period Biology class today, and i would have to deal wth the downright stupidity of Mrs. Rand. About halfway through class, she calls me up and tells me that "she has a bone to pick with me" in a very rude and demeaning voice.

To understand what is about to happen, you have to know this piece first. The other day, my girlfriend, Jena, was over, and we were walking through the woods looking for wild flowers for her Biology project. (her class has different assignments, but the same ignorant teacher). We came across a Ladyslipper(which is endangered and there is a large fine for picking one if it is not on your own property), and, being on my property, i picked it for her to use in her project.

Anyway, Mrs. Rand was angry with me and began telling me what would happen. The argument escalated into shouts and I told her that if it was on mmy effing land i would do as i effing please. Then she said that she would tell the resource officer ( a fancy name for the cop who walks around our school ) on me. I told her to go ahead and try, and upon walking away, i told her to suck on herself. I know that I was being a dickhead a little bit, but in the words of Patch Adams, that just means you have to make sure that your head is a dick and it is attached to your neck.

One more week, and then it's home free for me. ALthough Im not sure what the hell I will find to do in the middle of New Hampshire, one of America's most boring states. (I think that Kansas, Maine, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, are all even more boring)

I would also like to direct everyone's attention to the gledwood blog, it is a very interesting blog that offers a peek into the amazing life of British Man. Truly fascinating, I enjoy reading it to the tenth power.

Friday, June 8, 2007

So close...But yet so far

This Friday, the last day of the school week. This makes me incredibly excited, because school just pisses me right off and it's time for a break. However, the end of this week gets us ever so closer to next week. The worst week of the school year: Final Exam Week.

Nobody likes it, it's hectic, nobody ever knows what is happening, other alternative ideas have been brought up, yet we still have the same old week of final exams. I think that the school year would not at all be complete without this unneccesary weekf tests though. It gives us all a sense of accomplishment before we get the hell out. Even if you Christmas tree all of your exams, you still had to sit in the classroom the entire time, waiting for your ticket out of that hell hole we call winnisquam.

I would like to extend a congratulations to all of the seniors who will be graduating tonight. They have made it through four years that they hated and can't wait to leave, but someday when they are thirty or so years old, they will look back on it as the best years that they ever had. Congratulations once again to the seniors!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Some People...

God seems to enjoy messing with the human population. It seems that every day there are fewer and fewer people who are even competant enough to realize right from wrong, and He just seems to enjoy playing around with those of us that just might go somewhere in life. He apparently enjoys creating people like Mrs. Rand, our biology teacher. She is so incredibly stupid and dumb that my IQ drops whenever she opens her mouth.

We end up with people like this because we have one of the lowest payrolls for school districts in the state, therefore we cannot pay for good teachers. And whenever we do get a good teacher, they leave as soon as they can to teach at a school where the kids care about being something when they grow up. Unforunately we still have high schoolers that want to be "train track drivers" or "Truck Drivers". Pitiful.

It seems like I say this indirectly almost everyday, but today I will just come right out and say it: Winnisquam is a lost cause. I just need them to stay somewhat presentable until I graduate, so that way I wont have to pay to go to a school full of rich kids who just want to play football and tackle me, all for the outcome of going to college.

It is sad that in order to be someone in today's world you have to have gone to college. I know for a fact that I could be plenty succesful and gain plenty of money right now, but nobody would give me a loan because I dont have a degree in anything. Except drawing mazes, which I tend to do quite frequently in Biology class.

Which brings me back to the original point at hand: Our Biology teacher Mrs. Rand. She is such a flaming bitch sometimes, but then two minutes later she will act like your best friend. I hate her, and I hope that she trips off of a cliff and dies a slow painful death at the bottom.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Yearbook Dedication

I am rather depressed that the this year's senior class felt that they had to dedicate the yearbook Ms. Farr. They only did it because she is retiring after 35 years of being principal. Now, I understand that this is a planty good reson to dedicate a yearbook to someone, but honestly, what has she really done. A couple of times a week, she talks to the trouble makers that did really stupid stuff, like attempt to steal a car from the student parking lot etc...

Ms. Ezen does all of the real work. I find it disheartening that the school district has decided not to renew her contract, I will miss her presence at our lowly little high school. However, it may be in the best interest of the school district to try something new. They have hired a male for that position, and no offense to the ladies, i believe that having a male presence in the position of vice-principal will help. Nobody is scared of Ms. Ezen. She's too nice, maybe we need a guy who isnt so nice to all the pain in the asses who have infiltrated our once peaceful school district.

Anyways, back to the yearbook dedication. It was quite obvious that the seniors wanted to dedicate the book to the kitchen staff, because of the never before seen "special thanks". It was very nice of them to do that, but i found it sad that they felt forced to dedicate the book to Ms. Farr just becuase she was leaving after so long.

So, i think that it would be fair that the senior class give a gift to Ms. Farr, and dedicate the yearbook to the nice old lunch ladies that always greet us with a smile, no matter how mean and nasty we have been to them.