Sunday, October 28, 2007

Burger King Song

Good Lord, help us.

Reincarnation at BK

Ahh, yet another insightful day at the good ol' Burger King. I leraned by observing how to do two things today. 1: I learned how to make a whopper and a whopper jr.
2: I learned how to use the cash register

Both of which a deaf, dumb, and Blind donkey could've figured out on it's own. My co-worker Jason was thinking that if Hinduism is the one true religion out there, we've all been eating cows this whole time. My how we have sinned. What will be reincarnated as?

I was thinkking I would be something lowly like an ant, because i eat a lot of cows. Whoppers are good things. Some say a whopper is good for the heart, i think they mean figuratively. Because literally, a whopper is probably the WORST thing you could do to your heart, clogging up arteries and all. I think that they should say that it is good for the soul, because then there are no mix-ups.

Im not in a very writing-type of mood tonight, that's why i still havent written my paper for U.S History yet. I'll do it in study hall.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

At Your Funeral

Saves the Day-At Your Funeral

I think my funeral is coming soon...

I hate being sick.

still sick...

I have confirmed that four days of The Price Is Right and The History Channel isnt good for anyone. The doctors think that i have mononucleosis, which basically means that i will have a sore throat for several weeks and i will sleep alot. They told me that i can go in tomorrow and they will draw blood to find out, and they also told me to enjoy the ice-cream and movies for two weeks. Damn the doctors.

I have a pretty decent amount of work that i missed from being out of school, and it will continue to add up. My teachers were nice enough to send some of it home for me, which should help a little. HOwever, naturally i dont feel like doing it. The only things i have done so far is a worksheet for intro-to-business and a paper for journalism. I have to hand in some US History stuff, some of which was already done because it was supposed to be due back on monday anyway. I actually miss school.

Now im going to the library to find movies to watch. I prefer the library rather than the video store because the library is free. I used to like Video Vendor, because i could rent movies for one dollar. They went out of business a couple months ago though, so now i have to get movies at The movie gallery. The Movie Gallery is a total rip-off. Its like, five bucks to rent a movie. Their argument was that i get the movie for five days as opposed to the three days i got it for at video vendor. Im only going to watch the movie once. Most likely the night i get it.

I dislike being sick, but i must admit that the significant amounts of ice-cream help lift the spirits.

Monday, October 22, 2007

simply sickening

im sick. My throat will be the death of me. It hurts to swallow, so i have a trash can next to the couch that i can just spit my extra saliva into. AS soon as i woke up this morning, which happened to be at three A.M, i knew i was not fit for ordinary activity. I dragged myself out of bed around eleven to watch the price is right, as i have been dying to see it wiht it's new host Drew Carey. I was disappointed to find that thehost is still paid to tell everyone to spay and neuter their pets at the end of every episode.

Drew Carey is a better host than Bob Barker. His skin is not orange from excessive tanning, and he doesnt molest the models that show off the products. He is funny, and embraces everyone that goes on the show. Bob barker had this way of only hugging the pretty ladies. Drew hugs everyone, ugly ladies, pretty ladies, ugly men and pretty men, which could of course leave questions about his sexuality unanswered, but that isnt my problem.

Speaking of sexuality, has anyone heard that our beloved Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books is gay? J.K Rowling said it herself in front of a large audience at carnegie hall.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I forgot that i had to do my chemistry project by tomorrow, so i was rushing to finish my video about dextromethorphan, which is the chemical in cough medicines that make people go loopy. After i was very close to finishing, i had forgotten to save it and the ocpmuter froze. Naturally, i was very pissed off. I finally got that done.

I also had to work all day today. Good ol' Burger King. WE had tree buses come in today, so it was very busy and i got uqite overwhelmed a coupl eof times. it was nice that i had managers to help me though, they helped me get through the tough part sof the day.

To topit all off, i have the worst sire throat i have ever had in my life. I feel like i was punched in the jugular several times, and then forced ot swallow a can of pepsi whole. Blech. Im going to bed, and then going to the doctors tomorrow.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Thank god its friday. I cant stand the long school week sometimes, usually by wednesday im in an overall pissed off mood. I suppose it doesnt get any better, considering someday I'll have to deal with the work week, which i am sure is ten times as hectic and much mroe stressful, but for the moment, this is all I really have to complain about.

We had to do a papaer on a presidential candidate, so i naturally chose Barack Obama, however, i was then told that i was not alowed to do him becuase we already had a class assignment on a paper specifically about Obama. I didnt want to advertise for another candidate, so i chose a third-party candidate. His name is Jared Ball and he is the nominee for the Green Party. He wears "Bling" when he gives speaches, and he doesnt look like he can even afford a suit and tie.

Third party candidates are a waste of a vote. They wont win, ever. Note to self: dont vote for a third party candidate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Best Sign Ever!!

Bset sign ever!!!

I would highly recommend cheking this out, it's awesome.

Burger King

I no longer work at the local library. Instead, i have decided to take up employment at the local Burger King. There is much more to do at Burger King than there is to do at the library, and I really enjoy it when Rob yells at the people in the drive -thru. Today, we heard over the loudspeaker that soemone wanted five rodeo cheeseburgers and eight orders of five piece chicken tenders. "How the hell could anyone order that much food!?" he yelled. "I hope you eat it all and die, you FATASS!" I wonder if he heard him.

I had to "dining Room" today. that simply means that i was the kid who goes out into the eating-area and cleans everything. The manager told me that i did a very nice job, but i felt that my job was only sub-par. Just goes to show how incredibly low the expectations are at Burger King.

So, our group presented that project that we toiled over for hours last night, and it was crap compared to some of the other groups. They used WIndows Movie-maker, which makes a much cooler presentation than Power-point does, but i didnt even know that software was on my computer until yesterday. That is totally how i am going to do my upcoming chemistry project. I have to do a presentation on Dextromethorphan. That is the stuff in cough syrup that makes people go loopy. Our teacher, Mr. Keaton, wouldnt let me do LSD, so i had to settle for a legal hallucinogen. I think that he thinks that i am a druggy, but whatever, doesnt bother me. I am going to have the coolest presentation EVER! It's gonna be all tie-dye and stuff, with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in the background.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


No, i dont mean projects such as those found in the cities where gunfights are common. I mean school projects. Such as the one i worked on today, for two hours. This is my philosophy: If something isnt fun and takes longer than twenty minutes, it isnt worth doing. I want to at least be having fun while i do things, this journalism project was boring. Aside from the fact that very few of our group members even did anything, so me and derek had to make up for it, it is simply a slide-show using microsoft power-point. Blah.

However, we made it a little bit out of the ordinary by including questions that can be asnwered by going to dofferent slides in the presentation, which is pretty neat. However, it wasnt so neat setting it all up. It takes time and concentration to do such tasks, and it is fun at all. I think life should just be a big long joke. If life isnt going to be fun, then i dont want to live it. Thats another little philosophy of mine. Someday im going to write a book full of "calvinosophies", and it will be a best seller becaus eit will ift people's spirits and give them a new outlook on life. Win-win situation, i get rich, they get happy.


Today, we took the PSAT's. They were an absolute waste of my good time. Nobody deserves to be put in a room with no windows for four hours and fill in bubbles on an answer sheet. These tests will be sent out to some random someone out in california and I'm going to be analyzed via a bunch of questions that dont have any way whatsoever of telling how smart or dumb i am. Therefore not only did the test watse my time, but it wasted the time of whoever has to postmark it and send it off, as well as the man in a white coat who will correct my test.

These ripple effects are what make up our everyday lives. If the guy at the gas station decides that he is having a bad day and gives you an attitude when you buy your morning coffe(or if you're like me, tea), that will more than likely rub off on you. Therefore, you are in a crabby mood all morning and wont feel better until you are certain that your bad mood has rubbed off on someone else. If wew were able to go through every day without bothering with other people's problems, we might not be so fed up all the time. If everyone were to follow the "invisible hand" that siginifies our best interests, everyone would be happy because htey have done what is best for themselves. This, to a point, is simply human nature.

Then some people will say "well what about people like Mother Teresa?" That of coursde could be a n exception to the rule, however i beleive that she did what she did out of self-interest. Maybe it made her feel good inside to help others, or maybe she knew damn well that if she wanted a free ticket to heaven she might as well bust her ass with the poor indian kids in this lifetime. I think she was just an exception to the rule.

Funny how something as frivolous as the PSAT's can tie into mother teresa.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

They'rrrreeee Baaaaaaccckkk!!!!

OKay, so it osnt the poltergeist, but the daily squamer is in fact up and running again! And guess what? Instead of putting little hints in here and there as to what political candidate you should support, I'm just going to come out and tell that i like Barack Obama. He rules, end of sotry. However, I am always interested in peopole;s political ideas, as i am a fairly open person.

The summer has gone by rather uneventfully. There was the Hopkinton State Fair, ehich was even more overpriced than i had ever expected. Absolutely ridiculous. Tickets were like, a dollar apiece, and you needed five of them to ride good rides. I was pissed. Like anybody wants to pay five dollars to ride on a huge piece of sheet metal thats all rusted and must be trusted to twirl you upside down without falling apart. The drunken carny who alwasy seems to be running the rides doesnt always boost one's confidence in the ride anyway. In the end i forked over the last few dollars i had in my pocket, and rode the rides that i was sure (and hoping a little bit) would bring me to my demise. However, they turned out to be quite safe and i did in fact have to go back to school a couple of weeks later.