Tuesday, October 16, 2007

They'rrrreeee Baaaaaaccckkk!!!!

OKay, so it osnt the poltergeist, but the daily squamer is in fact up and running again! And guess what? Instead of putting little hints in here and there as to what political candidate you should support, I'm just going to come out and tell that i like Barack Obama. He rules, end of sotry. However, I am always interested in peopole;s political ideas, as i am a fairly open person.

The summer has gone by rather uneventfully. There was the Hopkinton State Fair, ehich was even more overpriced than i had ever expected. Absolutely ridiculous. Tickets were like, a dollar apiece, and you needed five of them to ride good rides. I was pissed. Like anybody wants to pay five dollars to ride on a huge piece of sheet metal thats all rusted and must be trusted to twirl you upside down without falling apart. The drunken carny who alwasy seems to be running the rides doesnt always boost one's confidence in the ride anyway. In the end i forked over the last few dollars i had in my pocket, and rode the rides that i was sure (and hoping a little bit) would bring me to my demise. However, they turned out to be quite safe and i did in fact have to go back to school a couple of weeks later.

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