Sunday, October 21, 2007


I forgot that i had to do my chemistry project by tomorrow, so i was rushing to finish my video about dextromethorphan, which is the chemical in cough medicines that make people go loopy. After i was very close to finishing, i had forgotten to save it and the ocpmuter froze. Naturally, i was very pissed off. I finally got that done.

I also had to work all day today. Good ol' Burger King. WE had tree buses come in today, so it was very busy and i got uqite overwhelmed a coupl eof times. it was nice that i had managers to help me though, they helped me get through the tough part sof the day.

To topit all off, i have the worst sire throat i have ever had in my life. I feel like i was punched in the jugular several times, and then forced ot swallow a can of pepsi whole. Blech. Im going to bed, and then going to the doctors tomorrow.

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