Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Some days i just wish that i had died in my sleep

The last two days in a row have been like that. First I find out that I am failing biology class. Unlucky. Then I come to find out that I just missed being exempt from my U.S History final exam by one point.

So i did what i could and handed in some old work in biology, and i missed passing by two points. two points. Extra lame. I hate Mrs. Rand and the subject of Biology. I think that I am too filled up with hate, and that leads to bad things.

Next I find out that I am almost certainly not going to pass english class either. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I hate them , all of them.

Next year, I would like to think that i can start off on a new leaf and get my ramshackled life back together, however, it is very possible that my leaf already blew away.

I have been so hopeful these past couple of days that i might just drop dead, that i even wrote a will in biology class today. It was more for fun than anything, and stated in big letters THIS IS NOT A SUICIDE NOTE!!! because it isnt and i would never consider that, however many a class at Winnisquam Regional High School has tempted me to do so right then and there.

I think I need help, but at this point I seem to have reached a tipping point, and I would like to think that I could blame it on the school i attend, and for the most part, i could. However that's not to say im not a screw up either. Whatever. I need to go ponder on the thought of making a run for it for a few days after finals.


Pegleg said...

Whats happened in english?

Squamer said...

I have failed almost every quiz and/or test because i refuse to read the bland tales that we are forced to read on a weekly basis. Example: The crucible, Myths, Variuos selections from the textbook...

Gledwood said...

Low? Join the club!

School is crap! That's what I will say and that should reassure you. Schooldays ARE the best days of your life in a way but that does not alter the simple fact that SCHOOL is Still ABSOLUTELY CRAP!!

Take it e.z. do not let the bastards get you down