Monday, June 4, 2007

Yearbook Dedication

I am rather depressed that the this year's senior class felt that they had to dedicate the yearbook Ms. Farr. They only did it because she is retiring after 35 years of being principal. Now, I understand that this is a planty good reson to dedicate a yearbook to someone, but honestly, what has she really done. A couple of times a week, she talks to the trouble makers that did really stupid stuff, like attempt to steal a car from the student parking lot etc...

Ms. Ezen does all of the real work. I find it disheartening that the school district has decided not to renew her contract, I will miss her presence at our lowly little high school. However, it may be in the best interest of the school district to try something new. They have hired a male for that position, and no offense to the ladies, i believe that having a male presence in the position of vice-principal will help. Nobody is scared of Ms. Ezen. She's too nice, maybe we need a guy who isnt so nice to all the pain in the asses who have infiltrated our once peaceful school district.

Anyways, back to the yearbook dedication. It was quite obvious that the seniors wanted to dedicate the book to the kitchen staff, because of the never before seen "special thanks". It was very nice of them to do that, but i found it sad that they felt forced to dedicate the book to Ms. Farr just becuase she was leaving after so long.

So, i think that it would be fair that the senior class give a gift to Ms. Farr, and dedicate the yearbook to the nice old lunch ladies that always greet us with a smile, no matter how mean and nasty we have been to them.


Gledwood said...

Hi this is really entertaining... a glimpse into someone else's life ...

Stealing cars from the student parking lot?? Wow things have changed since my day when the worst crime anyone did was to light a cigarette behind the bike sheds!

(And we didn't have "student parking lots" either. As I said, it was bike sheds and we rode on pedal power or got lifts off our parents ...)

Oh well. If you wanna see MY life come to - you're most welcome. I live a very different existence from you so don't be shocked now...

See you there, maybe!

All the best


Gledwood "vol 2" ...

Pegleg said...

Our SR year we should dedicate it to the nurse since our class has taken such advatage of her.

Pegleg said...
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