Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesdy Woes

Now that I am done summing up Tuesday, I can move onto today's problems. Ms. Nelson seems to think that it is a fun idea to make our research papers due on Friday. Although mine is already complete, after seeing the grades of my fellow compatriots who passed theirs in early, I am quite worried. I have reason to be worried about my grade in there because I only did half of my project on "The Crucible", which was the stupidest play that I haven't read for school in a long time. Yesterday, our third period english class listened to one overly angered female student go on and on about how she deserved a better grade on her paper because she didnt know what the rubrik was etc. etc., blah, blah, blah. If you are reading this right now and you know that you were this particular student please listen to this: Just because your paper sucked, doesnt mean that we have to listen to you bitch about it.

On top of all this, I left my geometry homework at home, so I didn't receive credit for it. I need to start doing my homework for math class, which is much easier said than done. I can now vision myself, the night before the end of the quarter, finishing all of my make-up work for all of my classes. I know that this will happen becausei t has every time so far this year.

And on top of all of that, I was once again forced to shelve books at the local library for minimum wage. I find this very demeaning, especially becasue I just want to have a normal teenager job. For example: bagging groceries, putting clothes back on the rack at a department store, or waiting tables at a filthy run-down diner. While I am not exactly sure ho whealthy it would be to work at one of these places, it sure as hell would be more fun than working at the library.

1 comment:

jupiterone said...

Thanks for the kind words friend...we hope to see you at a show soon! Actually, you can request we play your city at :)