Today, i went to work and muddled thorugh the foolish everyday tasks of keeping a local library up and running. I put the books away in alphabetical order by author, and then by title. Then, after i did all of that, i walked around the entire library and made sure that they were in fact in alphabetical order. Upon doing this, some little brat and his unattentive mother came into the library, and the little brat decided that while his mother was in the bathroom, he would knock over the entire rack of DVDs. "They just all fell over" was his excuse when his mother asked what had happened. A good page would have picked them all up, however, i realized that i could leave in ten minutes and pretended not to notice what had happened and continued looking over the new-release section for misshelved books.
Every wednesday, a group of mentally retarded people come to the library. Personally i have no problems at all with these people, however, it angers me to the tenth degree when they walk around and misplace things all over the library. You would think that their aids would help to re-shelve the magazines that they unknowingly misplaced, however, they do not and i am left with the daunting task of fixing the magazine rack every week. This is not as simple as it seems. Our magazine rack is elongated and awkward, so it is nearly impossible to put the newest issue of "Allure", (that was carelessly misplaced in the "People" magazine section by a library patron) back into its rightful position without it being a chore. Then,on my trek back to the "Allure" section, i usually find some random magazine that i never even knew existed ("Mother Jones Diary", "Architecturl Digest") placed near the "National Geographic" section, which is all the way at the other end of the magazine rack. It is incredibly unfortunate. I hope to the good Lord in heaven that i can find a different job soon. Otherwise, i may be forced to douse the library in gasoline and light the damned magazine rack on fire.
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sorry if this sounds politically incorrect, but can the mentally retarded people actually read entire books? or do they just read baby books?
You've not posted for ages. How are you? I'm writing my burdensomely long "biography" ok autobiography if you wanna be precise... man it is exhausting.
light the magazines on fire. you can put them through my front door. give me notice, i'll move out. you can torch everyone else who lives there though. i've had enough of them
ok take it e.z.
dude, i know exactly what that's like. well, no cause i work at the Durham Marketplace. but even still, people are stupid. i feel ya. recently i crushed my toe there under a big steel thing. probably one of the most painful things i've ever felt in my life and i had to hold it together while i walked across the store to the first aid box. did i get any compensation? nope.
Btw talking about libraries again. Don't you have to use something called the "dew drop decimal system" in there ..?
So you're on "hols" now or "vacation" ...
will you come back when you come back ..?
Surely this is not the very end of the Squamer for all time!
Come back to us!!
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